hye , i'm your superman , smile !
superb day ...: 2012

Saturday 15 December 2012

i just want you to ....

do not be surprised if I send you " love me" , because I'm tired secretive with you, I know I'm not as perfect as all men want, but I still have feelings and I am a girl that should be loved by a guy .

Friday 14 December 2012

life , life , life so complicated

hye , salam , wat pe tuh ? aq tau x de spe pon nak bce aku nye blogg ni , tpy x pe , aku tulis je , sbb aq susahnak cite kat org and bertentang mate adelah kelemahan aku , aq dah berazam banyak benda untok improve diri sendiri next year 2013 first sebenarnya ku dah berazam nak kurus , tpy malangnya sifat mlass aku ni buat aku rse nak makn je , dah berat aku , mmg berat nak mapos , jgn bgi tau spe2 berat aku ni (70Kg) shhh jgn bgi tau spe2 , skang ni aku asik2 stay up mlm2 smpai kol 5 pastu bgun kol 3 , mne x nye , aku bina lemak kan , azam aku yg kedua aku nak beljar besungguh2 , yg tu mnjadi la, aku gi tusyen at Deru Warisan , setiap ari Selaa, Rabu , Khamis and Jumaat , aq skang dah beljar chapter 2 untok form 2 , ngehehe , kiranya aku main tipu sikit la , bljar dulu kan? x pe , aku neljar ke x , aku still terpandai ngehehe tpy stu bende kat sekolah org ckp klu x de kawan mmg x leh hidop kan ? betol er ? sbb aku rse sumekawan kau benci aku la, biase la aku ni mmg ckp pkai lepas, klu aku x suke mmg aku ckp teros je , aku rse next year aku x de kawan kot , rehat la kau sorang2 , tpy aku rse aq leh survive kot , sbb aku ni pengawas yg berwibawa (letak tangan atas bahu pandang atas juling kan mate sikit ) at least aku dt gak jdi pengawas x mcm ko ! muhahaah . sebnarnya aku ni minat Zayn Malik yg laki hensem islam tpy ade tattoo and semua org kate die gay tu , dri One Direction , ingat tau die aq nye , nak tgok muke die ? die ngan aku ?
sesuai kan ? aku tau , aq x suka klu kawan aku yg aq benci pon nak suke Zayn Malik aku ni , sebnarnya psal Zayn Malik ni , aku dah berazam untok ke tiga nak wish borthday die 12 January , yg azam sebenarnya , aq nak die wish blik untok aku birthday aku 2 day after his birthday (acehh speaking pulak ) 14 January , aku mmg nak sangat die wish untok aku , tu adelah antara benda yg aku nak buat seblom aku mati and also aku pon nak jumpa die jugak , klu die wish time birthday aku even dekat twitter mmg sgt bermakna untok aku , aq tau umor aku ngan die mmg jauh beza aku skang 13 tahun die 19 tahun , and di ade tatoo even die islam aku x leh kahwin ngan org yg ada tatoo and tattoo tu haram untok org islam , takpe aku syg die , aq rs aku ade azam yg keempat ,tpy aku rse aq x leh tunaikan kot aku rse aku nak ckp kat crush aku yg aq mnat diorang sehari sebolm birthday aq , tpy even aq ni kasar or org pnggil aku Tomboy , aq ni bab nak luahkan perasan mmg lemah la , aq crush dgn org yg sngat hensem aku ni pulak dah x lawa , gemok pulak tuh , x pe aku akan jujur klu aku nak la , azam aku yg kelima aq nak improve aku nye personality kot , kawan aku kate aku ni simple tpy cool , korang tau x taste lelaki camne ? aku rse perangai mcm aku ni ptut jdi kwan dgn lelaki buka awek lelaki tuh , x pe la , Allah dah letak jodoh aku spe , just wait and see . 

Wednesday 7 November 2012

overload of love

salam , selamat sejahtera , aq ni , klu bab kelaur gi Jusco , Swimming , Lepak and ape2 la . mms aq x leh , aq boleh pon klu aku klaur dgn family aq , klu kwn aku ajk , mmg haram la aq dpt gi , kwn2 aku byk kali ajk aku gi kelaur , aq just redha je ckp aku x leh la . hidup aku mmg dikongka family je , maybe diorang rse aq ni kecik lgi untuk keluar tanpa family , siblings aq ckp , aq maybe akan keluar without family mayb form 5 , sbb aq ni jnis x reti ckp ngan org yg aq x knl , org counter pon , kdg2 aq rse nervous nak jwp , tu kot sbb nya aq x leh keluar time aq form 1 , it;s okay , my parents love me so much , they don't want me to walk alone without them , i still proud to have parents like them , love you Ibu and Ayah ! now i perasan that another world even dangerous that what i thought . i know my family want the best for their youngest child . they love me and i love them so much !

Saturday 3 November 2012

i'm not perfect

aq tau , aq ni free hair kat luar , tpy jgn la komen aku dripada ae yg ko tgok , aq tau la diri aku , aku tau diri aku lebih jauh dri kau tau diri aku . aq ni free hair , tpy solat aku x tinggal eh , aq tau , kdg2 aku keluar umah pkai seluar pndek , tu pon aq gi kedai mamak yg dekat je dgn umah aq . sibling aq mmg sume x pkai tudung , tpy klu keluar gi Jusco , tau je msuk waktu solat kitaorang solat dulu bru shopping . x mcm pompuan yg even pkai tudung kdg2 korang biarkan je kan , so jgn komen aq dri ciri fizikal je !

Thursday 18 October 2012

Sunday 16 September 2012

My Bestie ~~~

All my Friend ~~~
Left Picture : Nur Haslinda Binti Amil Hamzah
Centre Picture : Athirah Fatanah Binti Baharudin (Owner Blog )
Right picture : Shasha Izzati Binti Mohd Jaffry

The person who always make me laught , smile , angry , fun and all others emotions ....
Loving all my friend just like loving a family ... bacause we always together although what happen .. we often through some difficult times .. but most people told me that best friend will never split .. like us we always together until now even we are from different school at High school ..

I will never forget you all !!! you're my best friend i ever had ...
promise ? promise ? promise ?  

Thursday 13 September 2012

My Beloved Sister !!

Missing my sister like crazy .... she go to Czech Republic for 6 years ... she go there to further her study ... as we all arrived at Airport i'm about to cry but i need to control my emotion from making her laugh because i bet with her that i won't cry  , she walk down the escalator , i feel so sad and alone , because she's the one make me laugh , smile and happyyy .... i feel so lucky to have a sister like you ... i wish you could know my feeling ... only god know how much i love you <3

Tuesday 29 May 2012

aq lapar ~~

ibu !! lapar la ... huhuhu ...
ibu dah masak tpy mlazz nak bgun la ..
aq cam nak besarkan bontot sbb mlazz nk bagun , 
bibik balik la Malaysia , asik dok kat indonesia tu knp ?
baik lyn adik kat sini ... indonesia tu ade ape je .. 
baik jdi bibik kat umah ibu , at lease dpt gak gaji ...
ibu masak ape ?? bgi tau la ... 
ni pon aq x mandi lagi hah ! 
punya mlazz nak mampus .. sebaik mlm tdy dah mandi klu x .
dlm pepatah ibu aq  "mmg mcm kambing la.."
bju tusyen semalam pon x tukar , haha